10 things you might want to know about great teams (and organisations)
Veröffentlicht:9. November 2015
In unserem Blog in den Kategorien
From Thomas Schulte
Are you working in an excellent team? Does your organisation have a culture of excellence regarding team work?
Here are ten ways to find out:
- Great organisations are firmly grounded on a meaningful idea and a significant purpose, both of which are implemented over time by a sequence of highly motivating goals.
- These goals are defined in a challenging way and can only be achieved by excellent teams and an organisation made up of a team of teams.
- Organisational goals are thereby given preference to individual goals. As in sports, when someone could shoot but passes the ball to someone else who is in a better position with a better chance of scoring.
- Everyone in the team strongly believes in common success and is not discouraged by setbacks. There is no blaming others for mistakes and acceptable risks are not avoided because of a fear of failure.
- Everyone works on their individual strengths and weaknesses related to these goals and in a way that supplements the strengths and weaknesses of the other team players.
- Teams meet regularly to improve their team’s effectiveness.
- People from other teams and even complete other teams help each other out if needed, even though that’s not specifically included in their job description.
- There is an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect and an open and authentic language. Feedback is given instantaneously and regularly, irrespective of hierarchical position.
- Successes are always celebrated. There are well accepted customs and practices to encourage each other and to overcome crisis and setbacks or defeats.
- Teams and individuals receive coaching on a regular basis.