Kategorie English – Thomas Schulte Coaching

Kategorie: English

High-Speed Change Management

Dear Change Community,     (for German press * ) in the sense of the title, here are the three basic principles to speed up your change work. Speed makes the difference between change that brings nothing but cost and frustration, and the change that really moves an organization forward, maybe… mehr >

Change Management with Coaching

* For a German version, please click here * Surely you can remember a point in your life when you have consciously changed something professionally or personally. Perhaps you have made an important career decision or have finally overcome an annoying habit. Can you remember what happened just before that?… mehr >

Pioneering – How to achieve complex goals in a complex environment

It gets tricky when organizations want to achieve complex goals in a complex environment. This can often be seen, for example, in the case of digitization or other IT Systems integration, corporate acquisition and merger, cultural change or a growth strategy. Here are three clear signs of this double complexity: Previous… mehr >

Why Change Management is a disaster

There are a lot of types of organisational change such as strategy implementation, leadership development and cultural change programmes. As different as they are, they have one thing in common: they mostly fail. According to several studies, e.g. a meta study from Martin E. Smith (2002) covering 49 single studies,… mehr >

Aha-experiences in Change Management

A few days ago, I had an interesting conversation with two experienced HR Managers. They told me about several of their change initiatives and the sheer myriad of change management methodologies available to choose from. There was the systemic approach, and team building, and large group interventions, and many more. mehr >

Pit Stops for Management

From Deborah Koehler Zoom! Swoosh! Bang! Cheer! There is adrenalin in the air. The excitement spreads through the Pit. The driver is pulling into the pit stop: this time for a tire rotation and spark plug change. Time is running fast. In the background the sounds of a Formula 500… mehr >

10 things you might want to know about great teams (and organisations)

From Thomas Schulte Are you working in an excellent team? Does your organisation have a culture of excellence regarding team work? Here are ten ways to find out: Great organisations are firmly grounded on a meaningful idea and a significant purpose, both of which are implemented over time by a… mehr >

How to turn your company into a team (of teams)

From Thomas Schulte A company that’s a team (of teams) is special. It cannot be thrown off course by unexpected events and challenges. Its people work seamlessly, are flexible and creative and able to overcome almost any crisis. Change is naturally integrated into the DNA of their organisation. If you… mehr >

Coaching Sisyphus at work

From Thomas Schulte Sometimes I am Sisyphus. As the legend goes, Sisyphus was sentenced for life, to push his boulder up a mountain again and again, only to watch it sliding back down just before he had reached the summit. What was meant to be a harsh penalty for a… mehr >