Don’t buy that failed Change Management is your fault (or anyone else’s fault) – Thomas Schulte Coaching Führungskräfte Coaching Frankfurt

Don’t buy that failed Change Management is your fault (or anyone else’s fault)

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When change management fails or falls short of expectations, there is a lot of disappointment and frustration. After all, you and others, have been working very hard and it hurts not to see the changes you were striving for. On top of that, a failed CM project can be risky for the whole organisation and fear might be kicking in too.

Even though it’s painful, don’t buy into the fact that the failure is your fault. Likewise, don’t buy that it’s the fault of anyone else in your organisation. Sounds weird? It’s not.

Think about your favourite sports team. Do they have a coach and is everyone getting coached? You bet.

Did you and all the others involved with the change initiative get coached? I’m talking about coaching, not training or consulting. If not, that’s the only fault there is.

Change is easy. All it takes is to adopt new behaviour and change the underlying assumptions and assessments. For this you need a few insights about the underlying assumptions and assessments and maybe some enhanced competencies e.g. communication or leadership, to support the new behaviour. That’s really all there is to do.

And it’s rewarding too, as new insights, as we all know, can be very enlightening and enhancing our competencies leaves us feeling more powerful and power is fun.

You are not to blame for the current situation of your company. You did a lot of things right. If you like, let’s have a conversation about your change management initiative and what coaching can do for you.