Kategorie: Coaching

Führen in der Krise

Von Thomas Schulte Können Sie sich daran erinnern, was auf den Notfallschildern in Hotelzimmern oder in Flugzeugen ganz oben steht? „RUHE BEWAHREN“. Das macht Sinn, denn wenn plötzlich der Alarm ertönt, kann man leicht die Orientierung verlieren. Schlimmer noch: Bei Stress können Menschen nicht mehr klar denken. Nachdenken würde hier… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 7)

Training in a Development Organization: Today was the sales meeting with an European Aid organization to see if I am the right trainer for their requirements. They had read my bio and thought I might be able to help them with diversity training. I have friends who are diversity… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 6)

Training Mid level Managers Delegation skills:     On August 20th I had a briefing from the HR Director for the mid level managers of an International company (please see here for more details). Since that briefing, I have now conducted 3 separate days of training with… mehr >

Gender Bias in the Workplace – you don’t even know it’s there!

From Christine Baines Inequality and discrimination, whether based on gender, race, religion or sexuality receives much discussion, training, legal challenges and pages of print, but how much focus is given to the fact that much discrimination is completely unconscious? Treating this issue as more political correctness or blaming others,… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 5)

Open Workshop I designed, wrote the syllabus, and developed a training plan for a 4-day workshop on “soft skills” and delivered it to 15 managers from the ages of 19 to 52 from Education, Business, and Government offices. It was an open program and anyone could attend. My soft… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 4)

What is Usual I learn that each day is significant to the many cultural groups that live together in Kathmandu. One day there is a Newari ceremony for a girl who comes of age; the next, a Hindu ceremony for women to gather to celebrate their husbands’ health. If a… mehr >

Wir haben einen tollen Coachpool – wie viel Coaches darf ich Ihnen anbieten?

Von Hans Peter Wimmer Ich will hier meine Erfahrungen als Mitglied mehrerer Coach Pools bezüglich der Kontaktanbahnung Coach-Coachee beschreiben und ein alternatives Procedere vorstellen. Ich erlebe sehr oft, dass ich als einer von zwei oder drei Coaches ein Kontaktgespräch mit einem potenziellen Coachee führe; meistens sind es drei Coaches… mehr >

Make them Go von Hans-Dieter Hermann & Jan Mayer

Von Thomas Schulte Wie viele Führungskräfte können von sich behaupten, ihre Mitarbeiter zu führen, wie ein Sporttrainer die Spieler seiner Mannschaft? Mit Motivation, Inspiration, gleichzeitiger individueller und kollektiver Förderung und dem persönlichen Vorbild. Vermutlich nicht allzu viele. Dies zu ändern, ist der Antritt der beiden Autoren, hochqualifizierte und namhafte… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 3)

What is Usual I can’t say that my usual breakfast conversations in Germany are about the gifts of life, but each morning I am met with smiles from all the members of the family, I live with. Laughter and joking are part of their daily interactions. There are no angry… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 2)

Sales Meeting I received the brief today from the HR director of an international company with headquarters in Europe. All but one of its 9 Nepali subsidiary board of members are international. This company has brought to Nepal international standards with fully thought-out values, mission, strategy, and a strong belief… mehr >