Kategorie Gender – Thomas Schulte Coaching

Kategorie: Gender

Aufbruch ist schwindelerregend

Momentan liest man viel vom Aufbruch, über Neustaat, Reformstau, einer neuen Gründerzeit, Klimapakt etc.  Maßnahmenkataloge werden erarbeitet und immer länger. Klar, seit der letzten großen Reform, der Agenda 2010, ist einiges liegengeblieben. Nur eines betrübt mich: Kaum jemand glaubt an den Aufbruch. Leider. Das ist zumindest meine subjektive Wahrnehmung. Vielleicht… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 9)

Hospitality Training For the next 12 school days I will be working in a Hospitality College that teaches 19 and 20 year olds for 3 years, before they do a 1 year international internship that helps them learn how to work in a 5 star hotel. During my 6 weeks… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 8)

Communication Skills for Diversity Training. On September 9th, I spoke with 14 participants at different levels of the client organisation about the difference between horizontal training and vertical training. The intention of the exercise was to identify the key principles of each participant in ways that helped build their understanding… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 7)

Training in a Development Organization: Today was the sales meeting with an European Aid organization to see if I am the right trainer for their requirements. They had read my bio and thought I might be able to help them with diversity training. I have friends who are diversity… mehr >

Leadership and Coaching in Nepal – Deborah Koehler (part 6)

Training Mid level Managers Delegation skills:     On August 20th I had a briefing from the HR Director for the mid level managers of an International company (please see here for more details). Since that briefing, I have now conducted 3 separate days of training with… mehr >

Gender Bias in the Workplace – you don’t even know it’s there!

From Christine Baines Inequality and discrimination, whether based on gender, race, religion or sexuality receives much discussion, training, legal challenges and pages of print, but how much focus is given to the fact that much discrimination is completely unconscious? Treating this issue as more political correctness or blaming others,… mehr >